BIPOC EMDR Directory
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What is EMDR?
EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing), is an extensively researched and effective psychotherapy proven to help people recover from the result of trauma or distressing life experiences. Rather than talking, EMDR uses eye movements and other forms of stimulation to activate the brain’s ability to resolve these concerns.
Instead of directly addressing emotions, thoughts, and responses resulting from the traumatic experiences, EMDR focuses directly on memory. This type of therapy is intended to change the way that memory is stored in the brain. This will reduce and eliminate the problematic symptoms.
EMDR is different from other psychotherapy methods because:
There is no detailed talking about distressing issues
It allows the mind to heal from psychological trauma as much as the body recovers from physical trauma
No homework

Defining BIPOC...
BIPOC is a term used to describe the Black, Indigenous, and People of Color communities. This term allows us to make the shift away from terms like “marginalized” or “minority”. The term is used to show the solidarity between black people, indigenous people, and people of color in the United States.
-African (American) or Caribbean descent
-Some individuals prefer to identify themselves based on the country or region their families originated (Nigerian American or Dominican)
-Native individuals of North America. Indigenous is a broad term when referring to all tribes of the original residents of the continent.
More specific terms:
-Native Americans
-Native Alaskans or Alaska Natives
-First Nations
-A blanket term that describes people who are non-white.
More specific terms:
-East Asian
-South Asian
-Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander
What makes this directory unique?
The directory is unique because it is a one-stop-shop servicing the client and clinician simultaneously. Providing both the client and the therapist with diverse, culturally affirming, clinicians and consultants. The directory is designed with BIPOC communities and clinicians in mind. We recognize that we all choose various paths to mend. We will build bridges to connect clients with other aligned directories. Our mission is to collectively break stigmas, break cycles, and break ground.
We are here to make your search for trauma-informed therapists simple. Striving to continuously make trauma therapy more accessible to disenfranchised and marginalized communities of color.